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Natural Remedy by Dr. Kazu Tateishi (Japan)

Five-Element Vegetable Broth & Brown Rice Tea

Dr. Tateishi’s father and brother both died of cancer. And he found himself suffering from cancer of stomach and duodenum. His stomach and duodenum were removed, but the cancer cells had spread to his lungs. He resolved to fight for his life.

He researched, studied and tested over 1,500 kinds of herbs/plants. Eventually he discovered the right combination of ingredients to formulate a unique healing vegetable broth and brown rice tea with its own molecular powder. The vegetables are rich in chlorophyll, amino acids, iron, phosphorous, and calcium, all in a natural form.

He based his broth on the principles of Five-Element theory, the harmonizing balance of the forces of yin and yang, acid and alkaline that engenders health as opposed to the imbalance, which leads to disease.

The five elements are wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Because of the balance of the five elements, Heaven and Earth are able to provide life. Each element possesses its own color: green, red, yellow, white and black. These relate to the corresponding internal organs: liver, heart, spleen, lung and kidney. Dr. Tateishi used the essence of the five elements to formulate his vegetable broth. He used the concept of the five different colors as matched to specific vegetables:

Green: Daikon Radish leaves

Red: Carrot

Yellow: Burdock Root

White: Daikon Radish

Black: Shitake Mushroom

Green:Daikon Radish Leaves – Extremely Nutritious

Not only are there countless uses for the daikon radish root, but the nutrient properties of daikon radish leaves are truly amazing. Large amounts of beta-carotene are found in daikon radish leaves. Every 100 gm of daikon radish leaves contains 1400 IU of vitamin A. This is three times more than the 400 IU of vitamin A found in an equivalent amount of broccoli. Daikon radish leaves have 210 mg of Calcium per 100 gm, which are almost 4 times the 55mg of calcium contained in an equivalent amount of spinach. Daikon radish leaves contain ten times more Vitamin C than lemon; three times more iron than liver and eels; 60 % more Vitamin B1 than pickled black beans; and twice as much Vitamin B2 as found in beef. Clearly daikon radish leaves are an amazing source of nutrients. It is a shame that most people don’t use them, but, contrary to the will of our creator, regard them as kitchen waste.

Red: Carrots– Nature’s Red Treasure

In Europe people say “Carrots make people more beautiful”, or “Carrots make a women radiate female beauty” evidence that carrots can improve health, attraction and beauty. Here are some facts about carrots.

  1. Carrots are rich in Vitamin C, B1, B2, iron, calcium, magnesium and other trace elements.
  2. The 13,000 IU of Vitamin A found in carrots makes them the richest source of any food for this vitamin.
  3. Carrots are beneficial to the wellbeing of eyes and skin and also help strengthen the immune system. In addition, they contain an element that works synergistically with Vitamin C to improve capillary function.

This results in an increased flow of blood through the arteries and a reduction in the level of cholesterol in the blood.

  1. Carrots can relieve the symptoms of hypertension and improve heart condition.
  2. Carrots contain an element, which lowers blood sugar levels, thereby making it beneficial to patients suffering from diabetes.
  3. If a certain amount of carrots are consumed every day, the chances of getting cancer will be reduced.
  4. Carrots can block or slow down the growth of cancer cells, as well as transform them back into healthy cells.
  5. Carrots are one of the best sources for calcium. They are good for healthy teeth and bones.
  6. The Folic acid in carrots helps fight against cancer.
  7. Many people have found that carrot juice increases the flow of milk in lactating mothers. In addition, if carrot juice is consumed during the later period of pregnancy, it will help prevent any postpartum ailments.

Yellow: Burdock Root – Prevention against cancer and constipation

Burdock is a highly regarded root plant and is very popular in Japan. Here are some facts about burdock:

  1. Prevention against cancer and hardening of the arteries.
  2. Helpful for those afflicted with constipation. Among all root vegetables, burdock has the highest fiber content. The fiber content stimulates acidophilus, which makes it very effective in combating constipation. One of the dietary fibers found in burdock is very effective against fungus.
  3. In recent years, and after considerable research, Japanese researchers have found that burdock is amazingly effective for skin care. Today a quality patent-registered cosmetic product for skin care is made from burdock. A new field has been opened for more advanced usage of burdock.

White: Daikon Radish – Superior Detoxification

Daikon radishes have many digestive enzymes that help prevent excessive stomach acid, gastritis and ulcers. They are especially good for repairing the mucous membrane and enhancing digestion. Each 100 gm of daikon radishes contains 70 mg of Vitamin C, which is twice the amount found in lemon juice. Daikon radishes serve as antioxidants and as such help slow down cellular aging. They ease symptoms of restlessness and help prevent osteoporosis. Calcium serves to maintain the balance between acid and alkaline in the human body. Every 100 gm of daikon radishes contains 140 mg of calcium, or twice the amount of calcium found in spinach. The digestive enzymes present in daikon radish root have powerful detoxifying properties.

Black: Mushrooms– Nutritious and Health-Preserving

Mushrooms are a popular side dish. They are very nutritious and, most importantly, are useful for health maintenance. Their functions are as follows:

  1. They fortify the immune system by increasing T Cell functions. They assist in the production of antibodies and rejuvenate phagocytes.
  2. The trace elements, such as zinc, found in mushrooms can help rejuvenate thymus gland. The thymus gland multiplies T Cells, which then attack and destroy any invading virus.
  3. The polysaccharides found in mushrooms can promote the production of interferon in the human body to reduce the growth of virus.
  4. Mushrooms protect against 11 different kinds of fungus and regulate the lack of enzymes in human body. Mushrooms contain over 40 different enzymes.
  5. Mushrooms prevent childhood rickets and adult osteoporosis.
  6. Because mushrooms are rich in Vitamin D1, they play a role in increasing the body’s absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
  7. Mushrooms contain various vitamins. If consumed regularly, they will prevent any condition which might result from a deficiency in these vitamins.

What the five-element vegetable broth may do:

  1. Heal Cancer
  2. Restore injured joints and bone structure
  3. Slow down the aging process
  4. Rejuvenate the skin
  5. Heal cataracts
  6. Heal liver disorders
  7. Lower blood pressure
  8. Improve cardiovascular conditions
  9. Reduce brain tumors
  10. Reduce elevated white blood cell counts
  11. Improve T-cell functions

This is a remedy for all age groups. When the soup is ingested, it produces thirty different elements for fighting disease. Within three days, it can stop the growth of cancer cells. It can even lead to 100% remission for some last-stage cancer patients. Patients who have subsisted on feeding tubes for nourishment, when given the soup, regained their strength after two days. Over 10,000 late-stage cancer patients have used this remedy and 99% of them are alive and able to return to work.

Five-element vegetable broth recipe (for about two day use)
16 ounces daikon
8 to 10 ounces daikon greens
8 to 10 ounces carrot
8 ounces burdock root
3 to 5 fresh Shitake mushrooms sun-dried. If not sun-dried, expose dried mushrooms to sun for few hours.

Only cook in a stainless steel or glass pot.
Do not mix with any other ingredients to avoid interactions.
Use organic vegetables.
Don’t peel anything.
Fill a pot with three times the quantity of water as the vegetables. When it comes to a boil, reduce the flame and simmer for one hour. Strain and drink. Store the unconsumed broth in glass container and put it into a refrigerator. Finish the broth in two days.
The amount one needs depends on the condition. The more serious the condition, the more broth. It’s recommended to take the remedy two hours apart from your medications. Use remedy for a minimum of one month.

Some possible healing reactions:

  1. If you take medications in a long term, healing reactions could be stronger.
  2. Itchy skin or eczema.
  3. People with eczema need to start with less broth and increase the amount gradually to avoid strong healing reactions.
  4. People who had head injuries before may develop headaches.
  5. People may get temporary blurred vision or itchy eyes. Eyesight will get recovered in few days. If you wear glasses, try to reduce the prescription and use glasses less frequently.

Brown Rice Tea
Brown rice tea is remedy that can be used in conjunction with the vegetable broth. It is a good diuretic for ridding excess water from the body. For diabetics, it can bring the sugar level down by producing more natural insulin in the body. It cleanses the blood and blood vessels. For a cancer patient, take at least 600 cc. of brown rice tea and five-element vegetable broth respectively everyday.

Brown rice tea recipe
1 cup brown rice
16 cups water

Only cook in a stainless steel or glass pot.
Do not mix with any other ingredients to avoid interactions.
Use organic brown rice.

  1. Roast the rice without oil until dark brown, but don’t burn. Boil 8 cups of water and pour roasted rice into water. Turn off flame, cover and let sit five minutes. Strain out rice and reserve liquid.
  2. Boil 8 more cups of water. Put the remaining rice back into the water. Cover, lower flame and simmer five minutes. Strain rice out. Mix the two rice waters together.

The amount one needs depends on the condition. The more serious the condition, the more tea. Do not drink brown rice tea with a high protein substance (ex. milk). Do not drink the vegetable broth and brown rice tea together. Take them at least 15 minutes apart. If you use this remedy regularly, you may be healthier.

Progress of healing:

  • Cancer cells stop growing after three days of use. After a minimum of one month, normal cells begin to grow back and function.
  • Pancreatic cancer – minimum of one month to restore the normal function.
  • Stomach & duodenum ulcer – one month to restore the normal function.
  • Liver cancer & cirrhosis – three to ten months to get better.
  • High blood pressure – one month to get better.
  • Rheumatism, arthritis – one to twelve months to get better or recover.
  • Cataracts – four months to recover.
  • Eye Disease – one to twelve months to recover.
  • Insomnia, neck/shoulder soreness, fatigue – right away to twenty days
  • Eczema – four to twelve months to recover.
  • Liver spots on skin – three to ten months
  • Boldness – six to twelve months
  • Epilepsy – three to six monthsStroke  – three to twelve months
  • Stroke  – three to twelve months
  • Irregular heart beat – twenty days

If you are on medication, consult with a doctor to adjust your dosage. This remedy works for some people, it may not work for you. It is not intended to replace the traditional treatments.

Dr. Tateishi highly recommends vegetarian diet while taking this remedy.


Dr. Lin is a gynecologist specializing in ovarian tumors. His father contracted lung cancer, which then spread to the bone marrow. After taking the five-element vegetable broth and undergoing chemotherapy, his father is once again healthy and can again taking a walk for exercise.

Mr. Chen had liver cancer and advanced cirrhosis of the liver. He was 70 years old, and unable to eat nor sleep; a condition that caused him great suffering. For several months he consumed the five-element vegetable broth his wife prepared for him. When he went back to the Chang Geng Memorial Hospital for his next checkup, the cirrhosis was cured and his marker for liver cancer was dramatically lower. His health is now almost back to normal.

Female, 70 years old, suffering from cervical cancer. Her daughter purchased the five-element vegetable broth “Instant Pack” for her and her cancer completely disappeared after taking it for six months. It should be noted that the five-element vegetable broth is also especially effective for senior citizens who suffer from constipation. The five-element vegetable broth greatly alleviated not only this woman’s constipation, but that of many of her elderly friends as well.

It was necessary for Ms. Liu of Kaohsiung to have her thymus gland removed because of breast cancer. After surgery for ovary cancer, a complication related to her breast cancer, she began drinking the five-element vegetable broth, and today she is healthy again.

When the mother of Dr. You, of Taiwan University, was diagnosed as having terminal liver cancer, her doctor estimated she had only 2 to 3 months to live. At this point the five-element vegetable broth came to her aid. Now, more than a year later, she continues to take it.

Mr. Hsu, a manager from Hsin Kuang Life Insurance Company, has a client suffering from colon cancer. After drinking the five-element vegetable broth for a little more than a year the cancer completely disappeared.

Mr. Wu, thirty years old, had a liver function index of 150. His mother spent more than NT$200,000 (about $6,450) buying Ling Zhi (Reishi) for him, but it did not work. After drinking the five-element vegetable broth and brown rice tea for over 4 months, Mr. Wu had another check up which showed his liver function index had dropped to 30, which is almost normal.

Mr. Lo, one of the CKS airport staff, suffered from eczema. He sought for help all over Taiwan from both traditional Chinese and Western medicine,  but none were able to help. After introduced the five-element vegetable broth by a friend, he used it for bathing. His eczema was miraculously cured 3 months later.

After drinking both five-element vegetable broth and brown rice tea for over a month, the blood sugar of Mr. Tseng of Kaohsiung dropped from over 300 to a little above 200.

Male, age 25, had cancer of the mouth from obsessive use of beetle nut. After drinking the five-element vegetable broth for over 3 months, his next checkup at Chang Geng Memorial Hospital revealed his cancer was completely gone.

A stroke had left Mr. Wu paralyzed on his left side. After taking the five-element vegetable broth (instant packs) for 4 days, he felt a tingling in his left face. In less than 30 days, his left face was back to normal and he was able to open his left eye. Hi is now able to open his left palm. He is more stable while walking. He has no signs that he ever had a stroke.

Mr. Chen had suffered from a serious skin disease for several decades, and been troubled with hemorrhoids for about 7 years. After drinking the five-element vegetable broth for 3 months, his hemorrhoids were cured. His skin condition had also improved by 50%. The doctor who had originally told Mr. Chen his disease was incurable, was amazed at his improvement.

Ms. Wang’s mother-in-law was afflicted with hepatitis C, which then turned into cirrhosis. After medical treatment and drinking the five-element vegetable broth for 3 days, her weight dropped from 73.5 kg to 67 kg. Her GOT dropped from 190 to 45 and her GPT from 240 to 56.

After undergoing a hysterectomy, Mrs. Huang could no longer lift anything heavy without experiencing pain in her lower abdomen. This pain made it impossible to sleep. She was thoroughly cured after drinking the five-element vegetable broth for only a little over one month.

Mr. Chen had cancer of the larynx. He had two tumors on his throat and was scheduled for surgery. After drinking the five-element vegetable broth, one of the tumors disappeared and the other shrank in size. Instead of surgery, he underwent radiation treatment and left no further complications. The doctors were amazed.

Chiu, a young boy, had suffered a skin disorder from birth. He has been drinking the five-element vegetable broth and using it for bath for almost 6 months. His skin condition is almost completely cured.

Mrs. Lin had a cyst in her uterus that caused excessive bleeding. After drinking the five-element vegetable broth, her condition improved greatly. Her daughter was suffering from serious constipation and her face was full of acne. After drinking the five-element vegetable broth, her constipation was gone, her acne disappeared and her skin couldn’t be better. Mr. Lin had been experiencing serious hair loss. After taking the five-element vegetable broth, his hair has not only started to grow back, but is changing from grey to black. The entire family are happily using the vegetable broth now.

For many years Ms. Hao suffered from insomnia and had to rely on medication. After taking the five-element vegetable broth for a week, she was able to stop all medication. Her energy has been greatly improved. Now she can go hiking without rest in order to catch her breath.

Mr. Lee had to take medication for hypertension. After taking the five-element vegetable broth for half year, his blood pressure is under control.

Chang, a young boy, suffered from serious myopia. After taking the five-element vegetable broth for over 6 months, his glasses had to be readjusted to accommodate the improvement in his vision. In addition, the broth has made up the deficient vegetable intake in his diet, and has stopped his bad habit of drinking excess soft drinks. One of his classmates, who suffered from asthma, also enjoyed great improvement with the five-element vegetable broth.

The five-element vegetable broth has been popular in Japan for many years. The consumers range from vice prime minister, writers, artists, and performers, to common people, senior citizens and children. The five-element vegetable broth has saved tens of thousands people from various health conditions. In Taiwan, many patients and medical professionals, after learning of the unbelievable benefits of the five-element vegetable broth, drink it as an essential daily supplement.

Being ill isn’t always a bad thing. It can be an opportunity to pay attention to one’s health and change one’s attitude towards life. With this type of thinking, illness becomes a major force for recovery. It is heart-rending to witness death, especially when one realizes there is a simple way by which death could have been avoided. Actually, life itself has boundless possibilities. As long as you’re willing to open your heart there will be a way.

The amazing contributions of holistic healing are being recognized by the modern society. The objective adoption of these practices is our greatest chance for survival. Everyone will agree that while there’s life, there’s hope. This method and these testimonials are provided for your reference. We sincerely wish the best for you and your family.


The information above does not imply that similar results will happen to everyone use the remedy. It does not intend to recommend any supplement as a drug, as a diagnosis for specific illnesses or conditions, nor as a product to eliminate diseases or other medical conditions or complications. We make no medical claims as to the benefits of any of our products to improve medical conditions.


  • Ganso Yasai-Supu Kyoken-Ho by Dr. Tateishi, Kazu (Chinese edition) Taipei, Taiwan
  • When cancer strikes a family, what course of action should one take?” (Chinese)      Taipei, Taiwan

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