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Crohn’s disease is a chronic medical condition characterized by inflammation that can occur anywhere in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The inflammation often affects the ileum (the end of the small intestine) and the beginning of the colon but is not limited to these areas. It can penetrate deeper layers of the GI tract, often creating a “cobblestone appearance,” where patches of inflamed tissue alternate with healthy tissue.

Who is Affected?

While Crohn’s disease can occur at any age, it is most commonly diagnosed in individuals between 15 and 35 years old. The condition is chronic and incurable, with treatment focused on symptom management. Patients typically experience cycles of flare-ups with aggravating symptoms, followed by periods of remission.


Symptoms vary widely and can include:

  • Persistent or recurrent diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain and cramping
  • Bleeding or urgency to evacuate bowels
  • Constipation or incomplete evacuation
  • Fatigue, weight loss, and loss of appetite
  • Fever and night sweats
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • In children, developmental delays (physical and mental)


Untreated Crohn’s disease can lead to severe complications, including:

  • Fissures: Painful tears in the anal lining that may cause significant bleeding.
  • Fistulas: Abnormal tunnels created by inflammation eroding tissue, connecting the intestines to the bladder, vagina, or skin.

Treatment Approaches

Managing Crohn’s disease often requires a combination of lifestyle changes, medications, and, in some cases, surgery. Treatments aim to reduce inflammation, alleviate symptoms, and improve quality of life.

Acupuncture and Crohn’s Disease

Promising research published in World of Gastroenterology found acupuncture to be an effective and safe treatment for patients with active Crohn’s disease. The study revealed significant improvements in both physical symptoms and overall quality of life. Acupuncture treatments target points that reduce intestinal inflammation, combined with moxibustion (moxa), a technique using mugwort herb smoke to stimulate the immune system and provide warmth and comfort.

Participants in the study received three acupuncture sessions per week for 12 weeks. The findings showed that this approach effectively managed both the physical and emotional challenges of Crohn’s disease.

Dietary Considerations

Diet plays a crucial role in symptom management. Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine recommend avoiding raw and cold foods to support digestive health and reduce symptoms. Dietary approaches in TCM may also involve the theories of five colors and five flavors.

Final Thoughts

Early diagnosis and comprehensive management are critical for reducing complications and improving outcomes for those living with Crohn’s disease. A combination of medical treatments, acupuncture, and dietary adjustments can provide a holistic approach to managing this complex condition.



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