I started going to Ancient Path & Herbs for symptoms that my regular doctors could not cure. I was experiencing tingling and numbness on the left side of my face that ran down my arm, dizziness and my vision was impaired. I had these symptoms for months.
My PCP ordered MRI’s and CAT scans, all tests were negative. I saw a neurologist and the test continued, all tests were negative but I still had all of the symptoms.
On the recommendation of a friend I met with Fang-Tsuey and Yi-Jen, I was very interested in what I learned from them and I began acupuncture 3 days a week and within two weeks most of my symptoms were gone. After two months I was symptom free.
I returned to acupuncture about a year later for severe pain in my shoulder that ran down my arm to my finger tips after my PCP took x-rays and prescribed pain pills for me. I recalled how well acupuncture worked for me so I returned and began treatment 3 days a week, within 1.5 weeks I was feeling relief, after 3 weeks I was pain free and have been pain free for now also a year.
I then started the Nutrition Response Treatment with Ancient Path & Herbs. I have lost 45 pounds, reduced my cholesterol from 246 to 157, have stopped medication for digestion, have reduced my blood pressure medication to 3 days a week from 7 and hope to be completely off the drug by April. My blood pressure dropped from 150/90 to 134/70. I have also eliminated my cholesterol medication.
I feel great, my friends tell me I look great and I have a completely different outlook on my life, I feel like I now have control over my body. I continue to have my weekly NRT check in.